This course is designed for CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, controllers, VPs, directors, or any senior management team members who are improving organizationa performance or tracking and communicating the process of private, public, and not-for-profit organizations toward meeting strategic goals.
This course uses lectures, exercises and facilitated workshops to present a step-by-step methodology to build a successful organization through Balanced Scorecard and Six Sigma.
The course includes a balanced scorecard toolkit consisting of forms and templates to guide you through the process of building your scorecard. The course concludes with facilitated workshops that focus on representative organizations. You will have several opportunities to integrate and apply of the skills that you have gained throughout the course.
Course Contents
Overview of the Balanced Scorecard
Conducting an Organizational Assessment
Defining Strategic Themes
Choosing Perspectives/Developing Objectives
Building the Balanced Scorecard
Developing a Strategic Map of the Organization
Defining Performance Measures
Developing Initiatives
Implementing the Balanced Scorecard
Computerizing and Communicating Performance Information
Cascading the Scorecard throughout the Organization
Using Scorecard Information to Evaluate and Improve Performance
Where do you go from here
Integrating the Balanced Scorecard with Existing Systems in your organization